V066: Second Annual FASI (Friends of the Arnold Schoenberg Institute)
Membership Party

Non-commercial (June 20, 1987), color, 56:00.

U-Matic (NTSC)

Time Description
0:00 Titles. Honorary Life Memberships presented to Jakob Gimpel and Felix Galimir.
0:30 Exterior of Rockingham home, preparations for the afternoon gathering, interior of home, including photos and posters of Schoenberg
4:00 Judith Rosen addresses the guests, introduces members of the board of the Friends of the ASI
6:45 Heidi Lesemann conducts the election of the new board: Judith Rosen, President; John Yoell, Vice-President; Dorothy Crawford, Recording Secretary; Alfred O. Carlson, Corresponding Secretary; Lynne Bernstein, Treasurer.
9:50 Rosen returns to the microphone to continue the proceedings, introduces Leonard Stein, Director of the ASI
10:45 Stein congratulates the Friends on their work, introduces a few of the party guests: German and Austrian Consuls, Herb Hymans (Assistant Director of Getty Center), Warren Langlie, Bernice Abrams and her husband, Karl Geiringer.
14:10 Rosen returns to the microphone, introduces Gerald Turbow.
15:00 Turbow conveys greetings from the previous year's honoree, Marta Feuchtwanger, who was not able to attend. He introduces Jakob Gimpel, a pianist (once Clara Steuermann's teacher), presents him with a certificate of lifetime membership.
25:00 Gimpel addresses the guests, reminisces about participating (along with Felix Galimir) in Alban Berg's 50th birthday celebration.
31:25 Gimpel concludes; Rosen introduces Dorothy Crawford, who introduces Felix Galimir.
36:25 Galimir takes the microphone, thanks the Friends for the honor.
39:15 Galimir concludes his remarks, and Rosen resumes conducting the proceedings. She pins the FASI membership pins on the honorees and introduces their wives. She also presents them with photos of Schoenberg by Richard Fish.
44:10 Formal program concludes, guests move inside for refreshments. Video includes informal comments and conversations among the party guests.
48:20 Karl Geiringer and his wife Bernice Abrams Geiringer (one of Schoenberg's first students) speak to the camera.
Other guests add their comments and congratulations.
55:40 End