V012: Schönberg Quartett

Non-commercial, VHS (PAL), color, 1:21:30. (Gift of Henk Guittart)

Performance on 22 February 1988 at the Piccolo Teatro Studio in Milan, Italy.


Anton Webern (1905)
Arnold Schoenberg, op. 45
Ludwig van Beethoven, op. 132

Time Description
0:30 Quartet arrives on stage, begins Webern string quartet
17:00 End of Webern piece, applause
18:55 Performers return to the stage for Schoenberg's Trio, op. 45
38:50 End of Trio, applause
40:10 Performers return to stage for Beethoven's op. 132
End of Beethoven, applause
1:21:30 End of concert